Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hoof Boots

If you're making the transition from shoes to barefoot with your horses, hoof boots are a must--that is if you plan on riding your horse during the transition!  Why is this?  Well, there are several reasons. 

Genetically, our domestic horses' hooves aren't any different from those of wild horses, but the environment and housing conditions we've created for our horses usually aren't ideal for supporting a tough and thick-soled hoof.  Not that it can't be done--it will just take some ingenuity.  In the mean time, you'll need some form of protection for those hooves, and this is where hoof boots come into play.

I was already familiar with hoof boots when I began the transition to barefoot with my horses a few years ago.  My mother always kept a hoof boot with her on endurance rides in case she lost a shoe.  It was a pretty simple boot that was meant for short-time use.  Well, boots have changed a lot in recent years, and there are quite a few options out there now.  I would venture to say they make a boot for every horse and just about every need now. 

I'm embarassed to admit, when I ordered my first boot, I only ordered one, thinking they came as a pair.  That one boot cost about $80, and I even complained to the customer service lady that I thought that was too expensive.  She said, "Well, compare that to the cost of shoes, which you have to replace every 6 weeks."  Touché!  If fitted correctly, boots can last for years. 

I now own five pairs of boots--enough to fit all my horses.  I have one old mare I always use them with if I'm not riding in the arena.  She had been in shoes for nearly twenty years until she came to my place last year.  She does great with her Easy boot Epics though. 

If you're looking into boots for your horse, I suggest checking out the EasyCare page.  They have a wide variety of boots, plus helpful information for sizing.  Once you figure out which boot you want, you can price shop on E-bay or another site.  I found a Boot Swap page where you can buy and sell used boots as well.

Of course, the goal with going barefoot is to eventually get to just that--barefoot.  With the correct trim, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, your horse should get there.  In the meantime, or with horses that have foundered, use the boots.  They've made all the difference for my horses.


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